Baby School
Get FREE tips to help your child thrive

If you’re a mom, then this is going to be one of the most important things that you learn in your baby’s first year of life.
Are you a stay at home mom?
Home for 8-10 hours with your baby… all… alone. Wondering how many times you can throw a ball or build a block tower before turning crazy and trying not to pour yourself a glass of vino before the acceptable time of 5:00 PM?

Maybe you’re a full time working mom?
Gone most of the day, meetings galore, and more emails than you have brain cells, but can’t stop thinking of your baby at every moment? Finally you get home after a nearly unbearable commute, your babe has 45 minutes of awake time, and you’re brain is crashing in terms of what to do during play with a shape sorter?

- I’ve been there too. And this class is for you. I will give you the tools, the confidence, and the knowledge to get back the excitement of playtime with your baby.
- In this video learning series, I’m sharing professional, research-proven knowledge, and how to apply it into everyday play with your baby. You’ll learn the what, how, and why of language and cognitive development, and feel confident that you’re an integral part in enriching your baby’s first experiences with communication.
- I’m a speech-language pathologist, that has been working with babies since the beginnings of my career, and then I had one of my own. I realized that playtime (even for an experienced playtime baby-person like myself) was hard; especially when you’ve got a “Mommy-brain.”
- As moms, we’re always stretching our own limits, doing things we didn’t know we were capable of doing. And it’s all so worth it, of course. Creating moments with our little ones, teaching new tricks, and fiercely doing all we can to set them up for success, even with the early stuff like walking and talking.
- There’s a lot of information out there on developmental milestones, baby signs, the must-do and don’t-even-think-about-it opinions of new and experienced moms, world renowned specialists and people that scare us into just about anything. This isn’t scary. It’s enrichment. Let me show you how playtime with your baby can create connectivity so that you can feel like the Supermom that you are.