Pray for Newtown

I know that the entire country is feeling the same tremendous grief that I feel, since hearing of the tragic and devastating events, that occurred last Friday in Newtown, Connecticut.

Reading reports, hearing stories, and watching footage of the recent vigils, further the anguish and heartbreak we all feel for those families and loved ones whose lives have been changed forever.

My hometown is just 20 minutes away from Newtown. I just arrived in Connecticut for the holidays to visit my family, and reading the local stories in the paper confirmed how much these families need our support for their continued strength to move forward after this tragedy.

The United Way, in partnership with Newtown Savings Bank, has "established the Sandy Hook School Support Fund that will be able to provide support services to the families and the community affected."

Please donate today, help those families who are suffering, and give them the support when they need it most.

The Speechies will match donations up to $500. Please help us reach our fundraising goal for this organization. Please leave a comment if you've decided to make a donation.


2 thoughts on “Pray for Newtown

  1. I am happy to contribute however I can to help those who are suffering from this tragic loss. My thoughts and prayers are with all who are mourning.

  2. I am also happy to contribute along with the Speechies as they help the families who are suffering because of this tragedy.

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